We call this redemption bread because the first few attempts were, shall we say, a bit subpar. With experience and a few adjustments, we have this bread working so well that yesterday I had to make a second loaf in the afternoon after the morning loaf vanished! It was inspired by http://glutenfreegoddess.blogspot.com/2009/02/delicious-gluten-free-bread.html, but we replaced the honey with maple syrup to reduce the salicylate content, and a few other tweaks.
The mix:
4 cups sorghum flour
4 cups potato starch
2 cups millet flour
8 tsp (ie, 2 Tbsp + 2 tsp) xanthan gum
5 tsp (ie, 1 Tbsp + 2 tsp) sea salt
To make 1 loaf:
Combine 1 1/4 cups warm water, 2 or 3 Tbsp maple syrup, and 1 Tbsp yeast; let it get poofy.
Meanwhile, prepare a warm spot for the bread to rise in your microwave by heating a bowl of water for 10 minutes while you get everything else ready.
2 1/2 cups dry mix
3 or 4 Tbsp oil (olive, or if you're avoiding salicylates, try canola)
1/2 tsp white wine/rice vinegar
2 or 3 Tbsp flaxseed that has been sitting in 4 Tbsp warm water for a few minutes
yeast/water/syrup mixture
Mix it until it's a smooth batter, and then put the dough into 1 or 2 loaf pans or a square/circle cake pan. Let it rise for about 20 to 30 minutes.
Bake 35 to 45 minutes at 350. If the inside is a bit squishy, we sometimes cut off the edges, eat them, and put the loaf back into the oven for a while longer.
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